How to Fix Cigarette Lighter in Car: Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your cigarette lighter in the car stopped working? It can be frustrating, especially when a device needs charging or requires a lighter to function. A cigarette …

how to fix cigarette lighter in car

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your cigarette lighter in the car stopped working? It can be frustrating, especially when a device needs charging or requires a lighter to function. A cigarette lighter not working can be caused by various factors, including a blown fuse or a faulty socket.

If you’re experiencing such an issue, don’t worry because you can fix it. In this article, we’ll guide you through how to fix a cigarette lighter in a car step-by-step. We’ll cover troubleshooting, repairing the car cigarette lighter socket, replacing the cigarette lighter, testing the fixed lighter, and keeping the BIC lighter lit.

Key Takeaways:

  • A cigarette lighter not working in a car can be caused by various factors, including a blown fuse or a faulty socket.
  • In this article, we’ll guide you through how to fix a cigarette lighter in a car step-by-step, including troubleshooting the issue, repairing the car cigarette lighter socket, replacing the cigarette lighter, and testing the fixed lighter.

Troubleshooting Car Cigarette Lighter

The car cigarette lighter is a small but important feature of your vehicle, allowing you to charge devices like smartphones and tablets on the go. However, when it stops working, it can be frustrating and inconvenient. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

Step 1: Check the Fuse

The most common reason a car cigarette lighter might not be functioning is a blown fuse. Locate the fuse box and find the fuse corresponding to the lighter’s circuit. Check if the fuse is blown and replace it with a new one if necessary.

Step 2: Clean the Socket

The cigarette lighter socket can become dirty or eroded over time, preventing proper electrical contact. Clean the socket by gently scraping the inside with a small tool like a flathead screwdriver. Be careful not to cause any damage.

Step 3: Test with a Different Device

If the fuse and socket are not the issue, test the lighter with a different device to ensure the problem is not with the accessory you are trying to use. If the device works in another car’s lighter but not yours, the problem may lie with the socket itself.

Step 4: Replace the Cigarette Lighter

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it may be necessary to replace the cigarette lighter. You can purchase a replacement lighter at an auto parts store or online. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when installing the new lighter.

Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Repair

If you’ve determined that the problem lies with the car cigarette lighter socket, you may need to repair it. Remember that this process may require more advanced tools and knowledge of electrical systems. If you’re uncomfortable with this type of repair, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Here’s what you’ll need for the repair:

  • Socket tester
  • New socket or replacement parts
  • Wire strippers
  • Screwdriver

Before starting the repair, ensure that the car’s battery is disconnected to avoid electrical shocks or damage to the vehicle. Follow these steps to repair the car cigarette lighter socket:

  1. Remove the faulty socket from the dashboard using a screwdriver.
  2. Disassemble the socket carefully, noting the position and orientation of the parts.
  3. Use a socket tester to check for power supply to the socket. If no power is detected, check the wiring and fuse connections.
  4. Clean the socket and other parts using a wire brush or electric contact cleaner.
  5. If the socket is beyond repair, replace it with a new one or replace faulty parts.
  6. Reassemble the socket, ensuring that all parts are positioned correctly and securely.
  7. Test the repaired socket using a device that requires power from the cigarette lighter or a multimeter, if available.

Remember to reconnect the car battery before testing the repaired socket. If the repaired socket is still not functioning correctly, it’s best to seek professional assistance to avoid further damage to the car’s electrical system.

Car 12v Power Outlet Not Working

When the car’s 12v power outlet is not working, it can be frustrating, especially if you need to charge your phone or use other devices. Here are some common causes and troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Check the fuse: The fuse might be blown, preventing the power outlet from functioning. Check the owner’s manual to locate the fuse box and the specific fuse for the power outlet. Replace the blown fuse with a new one of the same amperage rating.
  2. Clean the socket: Dirt and debris inside the socket can cause a poor connection, leading to the outlet not working. Use a small brush or compressed air to clean the socket’s inside, and try using the outlet again.
  3. Check the wiring connection: Loose or faulty wiring connections can cause the power outlet to stop working. Turn off the car’s engine and disconnect the battery. Remove the socket panel and check the wiring connections for any signs of wear or damage. Tighten any loose connections or replace any damaged wires.
  4. Replace the power outlet: If all else fails, the power outlet might need to be replaced. Purchase a new outlet of the same size and voltage rating, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.

Following these troubleshooting steps, you can identify and resolve the issue with the car’s 12v power outlet not working. Always take appropriate safety measures, such as disconnecting the battery, when working with electrical components.

Fixing Car Cigarette Lighter

Fixing a car cigarette lighter can be simple, but it requires some troubleshooting skills and safety precautions. If you have followed the steps in the previous sections and identified the problem, you can attempt to fix the lighter by yourself. Make sure to disconnect the battery first and wear gloves and goggles.

If the issue was a blown fuse, replace it with a new one with the same amperage. If the socket is dirty or corroded, clean it with a toothbrush and rubbing alcohol. If the heating element is damaged, replace the entire lighter assembly.

After fixing the lighter, reconnect the battery and test the socket with a device such as a phone charger or GPS. If it works properly, you have successfully fixed the cigarette lighter! If not, consult a professional mechanic or electrician.

Car Cigarette Lighter Replacement

If troubleshooting your car cigarette lighter did not solve the issue, it may be necessary to replace it. The process involves removing the old lighter and installing a new one. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Locate the old cigarette lighter. It’s usually near the dashboard or the gear stick.
  2. Gently pry the old lighter out of its socket using a small screwdriver.
  3. Disconnect the wires from the back of the lighter.
  4. Take the old lighter to an auto parts store to ensure compatibility with the replacement.
  5. Install the new lighter by connecting its wires to those in the car and pressing it into the socket.

It’s important to ensure a secure fit to prevent the lighter from wobbling or falling out of the socket. Don’t use excessive force when installing the new lighter. Use a socket wrench if necessary to tighten it.

After installing the new cigarette lighter, could you test it out to ensure it works properly? If the issue persists, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Testing the Fixed Cigarette Lighter

After you have repaired or replaced your car cigarette lighter, it’s crucial to test it before assuming it’s fully functional. To test the cigarette lighter, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your car’s engine to activate the electrical system.
  2. Insert the cigarette lighter plug into the socket and press it in firmly. Note: Do not force it in if it doesn’t fit. You could damage the socket or the lighter.
  3. Wait for a few seconds to allow the heating element to heat up. You should hear a clicking sound, indicating the lighter is heating up.
  4. Once the lighter is hot enough, try lighting a small piece of paper or cigarette to test the lighter’s functionality.
  5. If the lighter doesn’t heat up or you notice any abnormal behavior, immediately turn off the car’s ignition and unplug the lighter.

Remember, safety is paramount when working with electrical components. If the lighter still doesn’t work after testing it, do not attempt to fix it further. Seek the help of a professional mechanic to diagnose and address the issue.

Maintenance Tips for Car Cigarette Lighter

Regular maintenance of your car cigarette lighter can help extend its lifespan and minimize the need for repairs. Here are some tips to keep your cigarette lighter functioning properly:

  • Clean the socket regularly: Dirt, dust, and debris can build up inside the socket, preventing a good connection with the device. Use a soft cloth or a gentle cleaning solution to wipe inside the socket occasionally.
  • Avoid overloading the socket: Do not use the cigarette lighter to power devices that consume more power than it can handle. Stick to low-power devices such as phone chargers, GPS units, or dash cameras.
  • Use appropriate accessories: Ensure that the accessories you use with the cigarette lighter are compatible and have the correct voltage rating. Using the wrong voltage can damage the lighter and the accessory.
  • Replace the fuse regularly: Fuses can deteriorate over time, leading to a malfunctioning cigarette lighter. Keep a spare fuse and replace the old one when it blows.
  • Store a spare lighter: Consider storing a spare cigarette lighter in your car in case you need it during emergencies. It is a simple and affordable solution to avoid the hassle of repairs.

Following these maintenance tips can save time and money on repairs and ensure your cigarette lighter is always ready when needed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Fixing a car cigarette lighter can be simple, but it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that can cause further damage or personal harm.

Overloading the Socket: It’s essential to avoid overloading the socket by connecting too many devices at once. Doing so can cause the fuse to blow and damage the lighter’s socket.

Excessive Force: When fixing the cigarette lighter, excessive force could cause more harm than good. Remember that electrical components are fragile and can be easily damaged.

Skipping Safety Precautions: Electrical components carry a significant shock or fire hazard risk. Always disconnect the battery or power source before working on the car’s electrical system.

Ignoring Underlying Electrical Issues: If the cigarette lighter still isn’t working after following the troubleshooting steps, underlying electrical issues may require professional attention. Don’t try to fix something beyond your skill level.

Avoiding these common mistakes can ensure a successful and safe cigarette lighter repair.


Fixing a car cigarette lighter is a simple process that most car owners can handle. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can save time and money by avoiding a trip to the mechanic.

Remember always to prioritize safety when working with electrical components. Wear gloves and avoid using excessive force to prevent injury or further damage to the lighter or socket.

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your car cigarette lighter operating smoothly, so clean it often and avoid overloading the socket with too many devices. And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to diagnose and fix any underlying electrical issues.

With these tips and tricks, you can quickly enjoy a fully functional car cigarette lighter.

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